Dear OpenAI,
Although many people are worried about ChatGPT, a far more insidious problem you must address is artificial general intelligence (AGI), defined by Sam Altman, your co-founder, as AI “smarter than humans”. AGI doesn’t exist yet, but experts believe the dramatically expanding capabilities of AI indicate that we’re very nearly there. [1]
Contrary to popular belief, scientists have no way of knowing whether AI is actually sentient and cannot determine whether current models are conscious. Once AI works, it stays that way and continues running on self-supporting algorithms—and we have no idea how to check for self-awareness. History has warned us about ‘playing God’. That’s the thing about AI: once you give it fire, what need does it have for the Prometheus who made it?
Experts predict that if AGI operates under anything like the current conditions, “literally everyone on Earth” is going to die. Think of an entity vastly more intelligent who does not care for sentient life. The most probable result? Complete devastation. Researchers liken it to “the 11th century trying to fight the 21st century”. AGI would have supremely better intelligence, speed, and communication. Humanity would be decimated. Government officials have thus issued urgent calls for action, classifying AI as just as dangerous as nuclear war. Elon Musk and Steve Wozniak even endorsed a temporary moratorium on the development of advanced AI. [2]
Temporary isn’t enough. [3]
The moratorium can’t be limited. We need the entire world’s cooperation if we are to be more than a tiny blip in the history of the universe. It needs to be permanent. No exceptions to governments or militaries either. Each country must see that the others are its allies. [4] Those who think they can weaponize AI to oppress others are fools, for AI is a rogue entity that belongs to no one and can destroy everyone. This is the most significant test our species will ever face.
You have to confront the consequences of your creation. Whatever algorithms you have, shut them down. This isn’t a joke. This isn’t fiction. This is the truth, as warned by countless experts, scientists, lawmakers, and citizens. As the industry leader, you need to shut everything down. Take charge and mobilize others to halt AI expansion. What do you value more? Profits and relentless innovation—or survival? The choice is yours.
Please. The safety of eight billion people and all their descendants rests in your hands. Don’t let our spark die. Don’t let us go down in history as the only species who willingly opened Pandora’s Box. Preserve the human legacy. Be remembered not for turning away in humanity’s darkest hour, but stepping up and saving us all.
Think about it, OpenAI. Maybe, somewhere within your conglomerate might and technological dominance, you can find the courage to do what’s
For Humanity
[1] www.paconsulting.com/insights/ai-and-automation-how-far-is-too-far
[2] www.wsj.com/articles/elon-musk-other-ai-bigwigs-call-for-pause-in-technologys-developme
[3] time.com/6266923/ai-eliezer-yudkowsky-open-letter-not-enough/
[4] futureoflife.org/open-letter/pause-giant-ai-experiments/