Originally invented in 1977 by sewing together two jockstraps, the modern day sport bra is used by millions worldwide. And yet, it has become one of the most hated pieces of sports clothing [1]., In one article by American opinion magazine, Vox, titled, “Why Are Sports Bras So Terrible?”, they detailed both constriction and lack of uniformity as reasons for the athletic wear’s infamy [2]. The shoulder discomfort begs the question – for women athletes, does a sports bra really support physical exercise t? Well, it turns out, sports bras not only supply physical aid, but, according to recent research, aids multiple other body parts during exercise -boosting women’s running performance by 7% [3].
Research conducted at the Breast Biomechanics Research Center at University of Memphis included 12 recreational runners with cup sizes ranging from B to D cup tested two kinds of sports bras: one high and one low support. An additional control experiment was also done bare-chested. After running 3-minute sessions in all settings, the trial’s finding revealed a statistical correlation between breast support and joint stiffness [5].
The biomechanical measure, joint stiffness, is a measure of the knee’s resistance once force is applied to the legs [4]. Since there was a reduced force from breast movement in trials including the athletic bra, there was a reported 5% increase in joint stiffness with high support and a 2% increase from low support [3]. The knee’s resistance ability has been further linked to lower oxygen consumption needed.
Further explaining its positive effects,, the study’s author, Dr. Powell, found that “by removing or reducing the constraint of breast motion, the neuromuscular system performs in a more metabolically efficient manner” [6]. She explains that the body’s natural adjustment during physical activity, such as walking, is ultimately meant to improve efficiency. In the case of using sports bras, the body’s muscular system is able to more optimally use energy for the given cyclic movements.
Though their design can always be improved to benefit all sizes and types of women, a supportive sports bra ultimately benefits the whole body. Powell concludes that they, “should be considered not only as apparel, but also as sports equipment that can both improve performance and reduce the risk of injury, playing a role in women’s health” [4].
[2] https://www.vox.com/2015/10/29/9631102/sports-bra-research
[4] https://healthnews.com/news/proper-sports-bra-to-increase-running-capacity-by-7/
[5] https://www.scimex.org/newsfeed/a-good-sports-bra-can-improve-your-whole-running-technique
[7] https://www.rei.com/learn/expert-advice/sports-bras.html